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Thursday, May 8, 2008

More rider feedback

More people are riding the trail and overall the comments are pretty good. The latest is from Nick, who helped out at the last Trail Building Session:
5/7: I rode the trail last night. I hit it in both directions. Nice job mapping it out. It was soft and lumpy but that will get better as it gets broken in. The stream crossings were solid. Lots of raking and benching still need to be done. The only thing that's missing is a couple of Drops and Log Rides. Hopefully those can be incorporated into the ride as some point. I look forward to continuing with the Trail Work.
Yeah, the fun stuff comes after the trail is built. When you ride the trail, you miss most of the fun stuff, or potential fun stuff, because your head is mostly down looking at what you riding over. When you walk the trail and see all the nearby rocks for rollers and drops, it's mind boggling!

Still waiting for some feedback from the Equestrienne community. They have been riding the trail based on all the hoof prints that I have been seeing.

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