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Sunday, March 30, 2008

March 29th Trails Workshop

The Upper Gussy Trails Workshop was a complete success. We had around 30 attendees from a wide range of groups including equestriennes from Newtown Bridal Lands Association (NBLA), a Boy Scout, Sandy Moy the Tarrywile Park Manager, one gentleman all the way from Maine, and of course quite a few mountain bikers. There was coffee, juice and bagels for breakfast first thing.

Laurie Gianotti kicked things off with an indepth presentation on Connecticut DEP's many programs centered around trails and trail building, including what's going on in the State, and want grants are available. DEP is also working on a State Wide GIS trails database. Sounds like if there is a trail out there isn't an official trail on any published map and you want to have it made into an official trail, all you need to do is present it to the DEP and go through the process of getting it on the map, and thus making it official. Going to do that this fall at Naugatuck State Forest in Hamden.

Following Laurie, Paula Burton gave her Trail Building presentation and workshop, which consisted of two practical exercises: one in trail design and the other in using Clinometers to determine slope.

Robert Butterworth then gave a presentation on tools and using them.

We concluded the session with three party subs from Subway that were devoured quickly.

(One of Heather's - Weekday Troutbrook Women's Rides - ridding buddy. Unfortunately I didn't get her name but the T-shirt is very fitting for the events planned for later.)

(in the back is Art Roti, President of CT NEMBA, with his three month old son, Lars.)

(Above: Rich, Chip, Tren and Donnie talking about what mountain bikers talk about - Bikes)

Using Clinometers:

(Paula is shown above showing Donnie how to use the Clinometer)

(Chip McClellan and Rob Butterworth are downslope using a Clinometer)

(Laurie enjoy some subway and Dee, the Exec VP for NBLA on the phone.)

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